What is a Plant Ally?

A plant ally is a non-human friend, akin to a spirit guide, angel, helper, teacher, or ancestor.

Plant allies are beings whose energy and vibration resonates with you on a powerful—often unconscious—level.

You can think of a plant ally as guide for your healing journey through self discovery, personal growth, and transformation.

Your plant ally is likely already crossing your path in a multitude of ways, trying subtly, or not so subtly, to get your attention.

The plants want to guide you and all you have to do to open to their wisdom is simply practice awareness and curiosity.

Plant allies may come into your life for a brief period or may become lifelong allies. Typically you will cultivate a whole community of allies over time as you become more aware of their presence and attuned to their unique “medicines.”

Allies can become helpers for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, as multidimensional healers in their own right.

The guidance and healing potential of plants might be surprising and powerful for you. Since plants are wild beings we simply cannot know or limit all of the ways they may influence the wildness of the healing journey. Flowers and plants are far more than the average person allows them to be. Many of the plants in the world contain multidimensional medicine to address woes of the body, mind, and spirit.

From chemical constituents (components) that impact physiology through the use of plants as teas, tinctures, compresses, oils, and whole forms of food to the wisdom gleaned through the doctrine of signatures — that herbs will resemble various parts of the body and can be used to support ailments of those body parts—plants are powerful healers in their own right.

You can gain much wisdom from a plant simply by sitting in its presence and allowing yourself to dialogue through mindful attention and structured writing.

Curious about how to connect with your plant allies?


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