1:1 Therapy Sessions
The life you want is within reach
Step into your most expansive self.
You can see “future you.”
Instead of dreading getting out of bed each morning, you’re energized and excited to start your day. You feel the best you have in ages and it’s rippling out into all areas of your life. You even find yourself striving for big dreams that you’ve had on your heart for years.
Because you finally feel confident, secure within yourself, and are taking daily action to become the woman you want to be. You’ve finally started to love yourself – like really, truly love yourself – and embody self worth in a new, lasting kind of way.
Who knew that tending to your mental health in a wholesome way could have such a positive impact on your entire life?
You can’t wait to be this person …
but right now she seems out of reach.
Lately, it feels like the bad is far outweighing the good. Here’s why:
Your self esteem is running on empty.
You keep hoping that something outside of yourself will finally give you the boost of confidence you need, but deep down you know this isn’t the answer.
You don’t really know who you are.
It seems like everyone else knows who they are are what they want out of life. Is it normal that you don’t or is something wrong?
You feel seriously disconnected from your body.
You’ve certainly heard about intuition and really want access to this wisdom, but what is the tangible experience of this actually like? It all seems so New Age.
You self-sabotage when making progress.
You experience a sense of guilt and may even feel undeserving for wanting more than you have.
On top of all this, your limiting beliefs are kicking in like crazy.
A tiny voice in the back of your mind keeps telling you that this is just how life has to be for you – that you don’t deserve more. And even if you did deserve it, where would you even start? How would you go about restoring your sense of self and making yourself a priority when you’re so used to taking care of others first?
This is where you usually give up on the whole “self-care” thing and revert to busy life on autopilot.
Until you have a panic attack, get depressed, or generally burnout and the cycle starts all over again…
Let’s rewrite your story, shall we?
1:1 Therapy
Finally, a holistically trained provider who knows exactly what it takes to cultivate a rich, resilient life by creating lasting change through a blend of healthy communication, nourishing lifestyle habits, and learning how to finally move through all that has held you back, taking a bite sized approach to your own transformation, which really adds up!
My 1:1 services are designed for you, the sensitive woman, who wants so much more for herself.
Sessions with me are also designed around you, because no two women are the same and a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy simply doesn’t work.
As an holistically trained psychotherapist, my focus is always on helping you improve your life from the inside out with warmth, guidance, encouragement, and support. I’ll teach you the time-tested wisdom of listening to your body and sharing therapeutic writing rituals for growth, as well as help you connect with nature for transformative guidance. True mental health requires the “inner” work of learning what it means to become who you were born to be by creating and integrating a healthy inner parent, all of which stretches way beyond coping techniques.
Therapy with me is about helping you step into a richer, fuller life, one where you feel empowered, optimistic, and self-assured forever! A life where you adore who are and care for yourself accordingly. A life where you heal in a lasting way from all that’s holding you back so you can share your gifts and unique self with this world which very much needs it!
Are you in?
So, what does a 1:1 therapy session with me look like?
I’m so glad you asked! Here are all the juicy details of my approach …
A blend of structure and intuition.
Every session is unique and unfolds organically based on what you wish to use our time for.
Intentions & Goal Setting
To begin our work together, we will meet for an in depth consultation, where I will gather a bunch of background history to help inform our work together. We will explore what would it would mean to be living your most aligned and fulfilling life through creating a collaborative treatment plan.
Most importantly, we will explore how do you want to feel?
Redefining Self Love
True self love stretches beyond what is commonly discussed in most wellness spaces. Together, we will define what having a healthy inner guide will actually feel like and how that will completely change your life. Self love includes how you take care of yourself inside and out - from who you spend your time with to embodying daily spiritual practice for your unique needs.
Skill Building
There are 168 hours in a week. Only 1 of those hours is spent with me in the therapy office, so the way you use the remaining 167 hours really matters and I want to see you succeed! In our sessions we will explore skills, tools, and practices for you to implement in between sessions to help you remember that you already have everything you need to thrive.
Reflection + Mirroring
When you return from your solo time you will share briefly what the experience was like for you and then receive the gift of story back in the form of reflection, helping tie together all your are learning in your journey of self discovery. This is often the most powerful and memorable thing for many clients!
Nervous System Regulation
The modern world is so overwhelming. Consciously slowing down and connecting with the natural world is a powerful reminder that we all have support and guidance available to us, no matter what our circumstances. When in nature this usually takes care of itself, but we will explore ways to track for nervous system overload and how to get centered once again. I will help you learn how to track your internal experience and learn grounding practices.
Intuition Development
For so many, intuition is the crucial puzzle piece that’s often missing! Changing your life doesn’t happen overnight. I help you learn how to identify intuition in a tangible way so you can put it to good use. You will be guided into a deeper relationship with your body and the wisdom of the natural world, learning how to decipher its wisdom and, most importantly, make your own meaning.
Somatic Awareness
Everything is connected (mind-body-spirit) and a large part of my training is rooted in a blend of east-west approaches. Whether you seek to explore and resolve issues related to belonging, nightmares, identity and sense of self, or heartfelt connection, or self expression, there is definitely room for it all and the body’s wisdom is a powerful portal.
Supportive Practices
Many client’s benefit from having supportive practices to bridge sessions. By implementing the practices we are working on together, this helps you embody a new way of being in the world. These “homework” assignments are always custom to your unique journey and our work together.
Here’s what is possible for you:
No more doubting your own belonging in this world. Imagine remembering you are not separate from the web of life, but an intimate part of its rhythm. Imagine remembering in your bones that you are needed and necessary, and that you have a special place in the wild family.
Living a life that is full of sensuality is to important to feeling vibrant. This includes integrating both the sacred masculine and feminine qualities which live in us all, and finding expression for your sensuality in ways that resonate for your unique desires and interests.
No more being at the mercy of not knowing who you are deep down. Through our work together you will get support as you begin to explore what truly lights you up so you can pursue your dreams instead of what you think you should do, helping you to fully blossom into who you were born to become.
Imagine showing greater love to yourself, others, and the natural world. Compassion is an important skillset to practice and one that can take time if there has been prior wounding and betrayal.
Learning how to express yourself is so healing! If you look to the natural world most all of the animals sing and express themselves without hesitation, yet humans struggle so much with this. Whether too much or not enough, your voice (and your ability to truly listen and hear another) is essential in this world.
A life infused with vision and imagination is rich and makes for a limitless existence. Additionally, feeling connected to the wisdom of your dreamworld can guide you in powerful ways. When balanced, you will feel clear about decisions and how to move through your life.
Feeling peaceful, guided, and connected to something larger is yet another key to feeling alive and well. When you feel divinely led, open minded, connected to Source energy, and wise you will feel limitless, expansive, and free.
And those limiting beliefs?
Changing mindset and obtaining optimal well-being takes time, commitment, and persistence, but I know you’ll be more confident simply by the fact that you are saying yes to yourself and a new way of being in the world.
This is one of the things that separates my professional guidance from all the advice (*cough* misinformation) you may be getting from Google. Not only will I help you improve your life, but I’ll dive deep into getting to know you, your mindset struggles, and your biggest dreams. Understanding your bigger picture will help you feel seen, understood, validated, and achieve long-lasting, meaningful results!
Imagine for a moment all that suddenly feels possible for you by having a strong, resilient internal guide. When you slow down, trust, and allow yourself to simply be guided into the YOU that’s more connected all around, bold living will feel so much more achievable.
I can’t wait to help you get there, friend.
Ready to get in on all this goodness?
I know we’ll be a great fit if …
You love to write and have a hard time imagining life without your journal.
You are spiritually open with an expansive worldview.
You have a mindfulness practice and/or are open to exploring.
You consider yourself a nature lover and find great support from Mother Earth.
You’re ready to stop trying to do it all on your own and try something new: trusting in a professional guide and allowing yourself to receive support.
You’re proactive and willing to invest in yourself, doing what it takes to make some powerful life changes, knowing the rewards will be well worth it.
You’re excited to feel at peace in mind and body.
You want to be the person who genuinely loves herself.
Hi, I’m Trinity, your future journal therapist.
When it comes to creating a life that feels good, there are so many factors that play a part— diet, lifestyle, surrounding yourself with uplifting people, and certainly the way you think about, talk to, and treat yourself—that it can feel a bit overwhelming!
As a sensitive, creative person myself, I know what it’s like to try unsuccessfully to follow the masses. Instead, I’m a big advocate for doing what feels right for you and your body and I strive to give my clients a direct experience of change instead of simply talking in circles.
Your healing journey does NOT have to – and frankly shouldn’t – look like everyone else’s. What I want for you instead is real, lasting well-being that’s rooted in your unique personality and life.
You are so worthy of living a nourishing, rewarding life and I know it’s possible for you because I’ve accomplished this for myself. I really understand and appreciate what it takes to commit to inner work in today’s world.
What People Are Saying
“I’ve worked with Trinity for years and can confidently say that I have so much more self trust and inner clarity. For some reason, when I make the time to get outside and take my journal, I always hear the answers I’m always looking for. If you’re looking for a powerful guide, you’ll be in good hands.”
— Amanda, California
“I truly feel like a new person after working together. I have more energy and much greater self confidence, which is something I wasn’t sure I’d ever get back! Honestly, I’ve never FELT “well” or “healthy” in my life, but now I do. I’m so thankful for this experience and for Trinity leading me in the direction I needed to go. I couldn’t have made this big of a difference in my mental health without her and this time together.”
— Chelsea, California
Changing your life goes
so much deeper than
writing on occasion.
I’ll help you do the powerful inner work so you can reclaim a fulfilling life that lasts!
Have questions?
Awesome! Contact me and I’d be happy to answer them!
Want to learn more about how to use journaling for personal healing?
Wonderful. Head on over to the blog!
Current Private Fee
60 MIN
I believe everyone deserves equal access to quality mental health services.
I work with women who are committed to their personal healing journey and accept many insurances throughout California for those who wish to use their coverage for mental health services.
Get started on your own with my free guide—Therapeutic Journaling for Sensitives (and reach out when you’re ready).
Reclaim your life one therapeutic journal entry at a time…
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I will share my best writing practices and rituals to help you create a powerful relationship with yourself and the world around you.