22 Signs That You Are A Highly Sensitive Person
You might already have a sense that you are a Highly Sensitive Person (or HSP). There’s a good chance that is why you clicked on this link. Maybe you have even read Elaine Aron’s book The Highly Sensitive Person and finally felt understood by someone.
HSP’s tend to be highly aware of the subtleties surrounding them and process life in a deep way, which is both a superpower and can feel like a curse, as they are often living in a state of constant overwhelm from the world.
HSPs tend to be exceptionally creative, caring, and more insightful than the average person. Only about 15% of the population are HSPs, which is why these individuals are so widely misunderstood.
HSPs tend to have more delicate constitutions; take it from a fellow sensitive who knows! HSPs tend towards burnout a lot faster because we know the pace of life in this world is unsustainable for our beings. Below is a self-test, shown as a list of traits or signs, that will help you to quickly assess whether you are likely an HSP or not. So, read on for more!
Research now exists for scientific studies on the highly sensitive person’s nervous system. In one study, scientists discovered that the HSP Scale is associated with ten variations on seven different dopamine-controlling genes. Dopamine is a chemical necessary for the transmission of information in certain areas of the brain (Aron, 2016).
The biggest cost to those of us who are HSPs is that our nervous systems get overloaded at a much faster rate than others. While everyone has a threshold for becoming overloaded, overstimulated, and overwhelmed, we simply reach that point sooner than others (Aron, 2016). More research will need to be conducted certainly to draw definitive conclusions, but it is a start, and evidence suggests that people are not in the middle, that they either have this highly sensitive trait or not.
Highly Sensitive Person Self Test
The following self test has been slightly adapted from Elain Aron’s book The Highly Sensitive Person.
As you go, count how many times you say YES or NO.
I am incredibly intuitive. Perception is my superpower and as a child I was often seen as wise beyond my years.
I am greatly impacted by other people’s moods and energies.
I am sensitive to pain.
I often need to withdraw for relief from stimulatioin.
I am sensitive to caffeine.
Bright lights, loud sounds, coarse fabrics, and strong smells overwhelm me.
My inner life is complex.
I startle easily.
I am overly conscientious.
Having many commitments to complete in a short amount of time overwhelms me.
If someone else is uncomfortable I easily know what to do to make the space more comfortable.
I try hard to avoid mistakes or forgetting things.
I avoid tv and movies, especially if violent.
The arts move me deeply.
Changes in my life rattle me greatly.
I become overwhelmed and highly aroused when too much is happening around me.
I go out of my way to arrange my life in order to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations.
When observed I become extremely nervous, near the point of having panic attacks.
Delayed eating creates a strong reaction within me, disrupting my concentration or mood, more so than others.
Throughout my life I have been seen as sensitive or shy.
I have a lot of food sensitivities.
I need ample alone time to function at my best.
Take a tally and if your score is 12 or more you are most likely a highly sensitive person.
While you shouldn’t rely solely on a free psychological self test, this can be an important step in validating your experiences.
With that, allow me to warmly welcome you to the circle of other highly sensitive people and empaths.
I see you. You belong here. You are needed and necessary.
Your gifts for this world matter.
It is a great honor to help fellow empaths discover and embody ways to truly thrive, because your gifts—yes, YOU!—are a critical component to positive change here on Earth.
If you’ve been looking for a space to find your own rhythm once again, welcome.